Monday, September 2, 2019

Cricket Gala Day ON

Dear parents,
As yet (6:15am), the Cricket Gala Day is going ahead as the grounds are open.
If attending, please ensure your child is outside the library for roll call at 8am.
A reminder that they must have recess, lunch, a snack, water, hat, jumper, and be wearing their CCPS white shirt.

Monday, July 22, 2019

PSSA Training Cancelled for Friday 26th July

There will be no PSSA training this Friday 26th July for all soccer, AFL and netball students.  Games will be played, please bring all your equipment with you.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

As the Willoughby Council Sports grounds are closed there will be no PSSA training tomorrow. Students should come prepared for a game in case their playing field is open.

Friday, June 7, 2019

All sport for students in years 3-6 has been cancelled today.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

CANCELLED - PSSA training 7/6/19

Dear parents,
Due to the large amount of rain earlier this week, the grounds at Holly Street are still closed.
Therefore Soccer and AFL training is cancelled.
Netball training will also be cancelled as the court was still quite slippery this afternoon.
Please do not send your child/ren to school until 8:55am when they will be supervised.
Natasha Reynolds

Friday, April 5, 2019

Cross Country Postponed

Good morning,
The school Cross Country Carnival will not be on today, Friday 5th April, due to the wet weather affecting the grounds.
The back-up date in Term 2 will be conveyed to you via email from the school office.
Have a lovely day,
Natasha Reynolds
Sports Coordinator